domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

Cape Verde

Cape Verdean Creole, also known as Kabuverdianu, is a creole language of Portuguese basis, spoken on the islands of Cape Verde. It is the native language of virtually all Cape Verdeans, and it is used as a second language by the Cape Verdean diaspora.
The language has particular importance for creolistics studies since it is the oldest (still-spoken) creole, and the most widely spoken Portuguese-based creole.

(...)The first published works by Cape Verdean writers were poems that appeared in the Almanach de Lembranças (1854-1932), the available outlet for whoever had literary inclinations in the Lusophone colonies. Although the social references embedded in these poems are not Cape Verdean but rather copied from (European) romantic literature, the fact is that the local Creole of Cape Verde was thus granted “literary” status. Women poets of Cape Verde like Antónia Gertrudes Pusich, Gertrudes Ferreira Lima, Maria Luísa de Sena Barcelos and Maria Cristina Rocha were among the most faithful feminine collaborators of the Almanach.(...)

 Sérgio Frusoni was a Capeverdean poet, born in 1901 on the island of São Vicente. His parents, Giuseppe Frusoni and Erminia Bonucci, were Italian. At the age of 24, he began to work at the ‘Western Telegraph Company’ and changed later on to ‘Italcable’. In 1947, he managed the ‘O Café Sport’ in Mindelo, where he presented poems and anecdotes in crioulo. After that he continued to work at Italcable. In the 60s, he conducted the theatre group ‘Theatro do Castilho’ in Mindelo. During years, he was chronicler at the radio ‘Barlavento’, where he produced the program ‘Mosaico Mindelense’ in crioulo. 

Frusoni wrote many short stories and poems in the Creole of São Vicente (Criol d' Soncente). He is quite well known in Cape Verde; unfortunately, he is almost unknown outside the island.



Sim, cantá. Nêsse toada d`nóssa
ora triste, ora contente
consôante coraçôm mandá! ...

Quem mi ê? Um fidje de Sanvcênte
Nascide, crióde, lá na ponta d' Praia.
Lá ondê que mar tâ sparajá debóxe de bôte,
moda barra dum saia.

Cs' ê que m' crê? Cantá nha terra!
Companhal na sê dor;
na nôbréza d' sê alma;
na pobréza d' sê vida!


Manuel de Novas or Manuel d' Novas (February 24, 1938 — September 28, 2009) was a Cape Verdean poet and composer.
Born Manuel Jesus Lopes on the island of Santo Antão, he became one of the most important poets and composers of Cape Verde. His music is known all over the world, through performers like Cesária Évora. He lived in Mindelo on the island of São Vicente. Manuel died on September 28, 2009, from a stroke , after staying at the hospital for about a week

Some of his famous poems in crioulo:


Pà um sigundo Pa que tonte inamizadi Pa gerà 

infelicidadi Pa qu'ê tonte ingustia d'guerra S'nô 
podê crià paz na terra M'djior è pensà Home ta chei
di malvadeza Sem rispeito pa natureza Ô Deus
valême Tonte inventà planeta Tonte cuitod bà 
maneta Sem sès hora tchegà Monôpol de um
cambada E destino di nôs vida Cada hora um noticia
Cada minuto un malìcia Desarmamente ê 
conversa Ma banquete ê vice versa E fortuna num
ponta E miseria not ponta Mundo tà pior cum
jogo d'boca Cabô mandame calà boca M'ta d'zè
verdade No tia vivê d'boxe d'amiaça Num flagelo
pa tud raça Mundo podia ser ôte cosa Vida
podia ser cor d'rosa Si nôs tu pôdia junta môn
Cu Deus e amor na coraçon Ma biblia ta flà na
Apocalipse Ma biblia ta flà na apocalipse


Why is there so much evil in this world if whe are
Only here for a second Whay so much unfriendliness
And misfortune why this fear of war if we can
instegate peace on earth we should think abaut this
Man in his wickedness no longer respects nature
May God help us some reshape the world
Others lose their head before their time our life is
controlled by a minority every hour new news
Every minute an act of malice they epeak of disarmament
They give banquets carefully separating
the wealthy from the poor the world is becoming
a bad pun do not ask me to remain silent
I tell the truth we live under the threat of universal
punishment the world could have turned another
way life could be kinder if we would only
help each other with God and love in our hearts
but the Bible tells us of the apocalypse.


Bô pápá ca foi foguêr
Nem tampóc rochegadôr
Nem marinhêr nem catraêr
Nem carpinter nem pêdrêr
Nem pêder nem pescadôr
E nem tembê um catadôr
Dificuldade bô ca conchêl
Pobreza pa bô ê lenda de gente gentil
Bô liberdade bô ca brigál
Bem dzêm'quem bô ê na vida
Pa julgá realidade
Dess nôss pais

Pa móde cristôm ta estód calóde
E justiça de povo nunca tem voz
Lá de bô tribuna bô ta insultá
E caluniá'tê Deus na ceu
Ma cma debóxe de ceu tudo tem seu limite
Bô pudêr ca ê infinito
O li ê que ê Cabo Verde 
  • Cumpade Cizóne

Eugenio Tavares : Eugénio de Paula Tavares (born 18 October 1867 in the island of Brava; died 1 June 1930) was a Cape Verdean poet. He is known through his famous poems ( mornas ), written in the Crioulo of Brava. His name is honored in the name of the town square in Vila Nova Sintra along with a statue.

  • Morna de Despedida (Hora di Bai)

  - by Eugenio Tavares

Hora di bai,

Hora di dor,
Ja'n q'ré
Pa el ca manchê!
De cada bêz
Que 'n ta lembrâ,
Ma'n q'ré
Fica 'n morrê! Hora di bai,
Hora di dor,
Dixa'n chorâ!
Corpo catibo,
Ba' bo que é escrabo!
Ó alma bibo,
Quem que al lebabo? Se bem é doce,
Bai é maguado;
Mas, se ca bado,
Ca ta birado!
Se no morrê
Na despedida,
Nhor Des na volta
Ta dano bida. Dicham chorâ
Destino de home:
Es dor
Que ca tem nome:
Dor de crecheu,
Dor de sodade
De alguem
Que'n q'ré, que q'rem... Dicham chorâ

Destino de home,

Oh Dor
Que ca tem nome!
Sofrí na vista
Se tem certeza,
Morrê na ausencia,
Na bo tristeza!

Luís Romano de Madeira Melo (Santo Antão, Cabo Verde, 10 June 1922 - Brasil, 22 January 2010) was a bilingual poet, novelist, and folklorist who has written in Portuguese and the Capeverdean Crioulo of Santo Antão. 
Born on the Capeverdean island of Santo Antão, he prefers to refer to the Capeverdean language as "língua cabo-verdiana". Romano lived in Brazil since 1962.

Capeverdean culture, literature, music and history

Mário Lúcio Sousa, 45, is a writer and a musician. He was a journalist, studied Law in Cuba, for five year he was representative in his country, Cape Verde, nowadays he is a “cultural ambassador”.
In his work, he tries to find the space for a Creole culture, and it has a south American literature’s influence.
Since 2001, he dedicates his life exclusively to art.
He perceives a strong link between Brazil, Europe and Africa, He says that the "encontro com o outro" is part of the genesis of his country, which have always seen people coming and going through the sea.  In his words: "Para nós, a emigração não é só procurar uma vida melhor, é também ir conhecer e respirar o outro".

A news about Arménio Vieira  capeverdian poet who won Premio Camões.

This essay is about capeverdian literature and its connections with the oral language.
It is explained how does capeverdian writers deal with orality in literature, and how does literature accommodate the oral language.

This link is from a book, which deals with caboverdian literature, on page 121, there is the precisely moment when creole literature began to be accepted by the critics as part of the national literature, it was when Claridade magazine started to open the canon to "non-standard literature", as the text says: "Mais que uma denuncia e apelo, a literatura crioula dos anos trinta foi um assentar de raízes no chão físico social das ilhas".

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